
Anthony Hopkins Trip Bill Skarsgård at a deadly SUV in’Livaled ‘trailer


Anthony Hopkins (Rebel Moon) and Bill Skarsgård (Nosferatu) The face of future Horror Thriller Lockedwhich, based on trailer, looks like Saw on the wheels.

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Directed by David Yarovesky (Nightwriting) and produced by Sam Raimi (the Dead evil Franchise), Locked Stars Skarsgård as eddie, a thief with a deserted fortunate in Swanky Suv. But this one is not a comfortable car: It belongs to William (Hopkins), Vigilante cheated his car to hold thieves and do his justice.

As William tells Eddie by telephone, he puts a lot of time and money to undergo a complete car. The walls and windows are brush and no cell service, so there is no way out. Also, seats are able to install Eddie, and William can reduce or raise the temperature but they should.

However, William does not want to kill Eddie. Instead, as he takes Spin Spin – for murdering pedestrians along the way – his goal is to simply present Eddie to present “a small feasting of hell.”

Locked It strikes Machi 21.


Arthur K.

Founder of Gadget Tunes! A passionate content writer.. specializes in Marketing topics, technology, lifestyle, travel, etc.,

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