
Apparently in space, the Mege iceberg can be at a collision contract


Appear in space, the world’s largest Iceberg is on the remote Antarctic island, threatens local animals.

A23A, Trillion-Ton Megaberg, 40 meters long, wide twice as London, and collide with the South Georgia island, or catches in the Ocean Currents. The Iceberg collision on the island, which is home to the king’s penguins and the population of the world in the world world, lead to the death of many animals because of hunger.

A23A began to blow on the Antarctican’s Antarctican’s Filtner shelf in 1986, where 3,700 square miles were measured, and some of its sides were increased to 400 feet. Water warmth near Antarctica reduced it slowly, and scientists expect that they finally separate the large pieces of pieces.


Arthur K.

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